
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The why revolution campaign is a personal and social movement looking at creating a more cohesive and harmonious society. Its aim is to encourage individuals to initiate positive social change by first re-evaluate their own behaviours and the way that they interact with those around them. Put simply, the main aim of the why revolution is to make the world a better place.

So what reason is there for a movement like this? I realise that the above statement sounds vague and almost impossible to achieve. So I will explain a little more. We are living in a world that has a multitude of problems; many of them have been caused by selfishness and greed. The idea of the Why Revolution is to create a network of people who are both religious and non-religious, who simply have a desire to live good, thoughtful lives.
The why revolution would represent an utter rejection of the self-serving attitudes of  our parents which caused the economic down turn, and caused us to pay £9000 a year to get  a degree. We tried the riots, and found that it had little effect. But if we work hard, to change people’s hearts and minds, by spreading the word, talking to people, networking, and trying to teach people about the values of the why revolution, we might reach, if not the rich of today, then perhaps the rich people of tomorrow, if not the politicians of today, then maybe those of the future . The main aim of this movement is to re-enforce and encourage people, especially the young (who are more likely to listen) to have more of a social conscience.
Becoming a member of the why revolution involves examining your conscience, and trying to decide how you could become a better person yourself, before you try and help anyone else. Basically the message behind the Michael Jackson song ‘Man in the Mirror’.
 One of the primary functions of the why revolution is to create a more cohesive society, and to encourage people to work together for common goals, as afore mentioned. One important goal is to create rapport between people who are spiritual, but may or may not believe in God. Contradictory as the idea of ‘spiritual atheism’ might sound, just because someone does not believe in a deity of any sort, does not mean that they can’t have an innate love of their fellow man, their spirituality comes from the human spirit. For too long have people seen those of different religions, or no religion seen each other as the enemy. For the world to move forward, people who are truly and genuinely spiritual need to stop seeing each other’s views as wrong, but just as different, and need to make a commitment to each other to stop judging, and to start working together. This is the way forward for mankind, not the see their religion or belief system as ‘the right one’ (even if they believe that science proves it is) but to see beyond that, to realise that we are still arguing is part of what is holding us back. There is nothing wrong with intellectual debate, but there is everything wrong with people who could, if they worked together, create a better society being stopped, or feeling that they don’t want to work with certain people because ‘they don’t believe in my God’ or ‘they follow a cult’.

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