
Tuesday, 10 April 2012


We, the children are sick. Sick of the selfish society that we live in. Sick of a society where the only way we can get the education that we want is if we in debt ourselves for decades to people we have never met. Sick of the way we feel compelled to buy more and more because
we are told that it will make us happy. Sick of the way that the things we turn to for entertainment make us feel more and more insecure about ourselves. Society has been ruled for too long by a small, powerful, and rich elite who tell us they are acting in our interest, yet continue to make themselves ever richer and more powerful, to the detriment of everybody else; the poor, the sick, the young, and the very old. We have been lied to for so long, about so many things, and it's time we started doing something about it. Because we, the children, have had enough.

We are living in a world where more and more of us hunger after fame, yet those who find it often then find themselves quite alone, looked up to by all, but treated as an equal by none. Those who seek riches work harder and harder to achieve them, then find that they the long
hours, and stress have separated them from the people they love the most. We take exams that promise us success, yet we often find that the highly paid jobs we get as a result are the ones that bring our governments the most taxes, not the most happiness for ourselves.

We need to start looking at the world with different eyes. We all need to start thinking seriously about the kind of place we want the world of the 21st century, and beyond, to be. And If the way the world is going, is not the way we want it to continue, we need to act now. We need to stop buying things we don't really need, stop reading so many celebrity magazines, and start asking questions. Sooner or later the people in authority will have to listen to us, if there are enough voices, we will make ourselves heard.

2012 is supposed to be a year of change, a year in which something big happens to all of us. But instead of sitting and waiting for something to happen, like we have sat and waited for the powerful people in society to tell us what to do, we will make change happen ourselves.
We have the power to make 2012 the first year of the future that we want, one where people learn to co-operate more, to stop desperately seeking things like fame and money, that don't really matter. We will take control of our own lives, but use them to improve the lives of
others. If we all do the same we can turn around the mess that our parents and grandparents
have created, if we all try and see things for what they truly are.

It's not going to be easy persuading the world to change, but it can be done, if we work together.

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